2. Leadership at the Assembly

2.4. Committee Leadership

As each assembly committee considers important items of business, they are guided and supported by a number of leaders.

Moderators and Vice Moderators are selected by the Co/Moderators of the previous General Assembly to guide commissioners and advisory delegates through discernment and votes during committee.

Parliamentarians assist the committee with parliamentary procedure.

Transcriptionists record actions taken by the committee, ensuring the committee recommendations are accurately taken to plenary.

Resource Coordinators coordinate Resource Persons, Corresponding Members, and others who are able to speak to the committee on particular issues. This process includes making moderators aware of available persons as well as ensuring that those able to speak are prepared at the appropriate time.

Committee Assistants serve in a variety of roles, supporting committee leadership in managing business processes, as well as assisting commissioners and advisory delegates throughout committees.

Zoom meeting of the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly.