5. Online Plenary

5.3. General Assembly Nominating Committee

Most of the business to be considered by the GA in plenary consists of recommendations from the 16 committees meeting from June 20 through July 2.

Elections are an exception. The report of the General Assembly Nominating Committee (GANC) comes directly to the whole GA. 

Commissioners may challenge a particular nominee from the GANC by submitting a “Nomination by Commissioner” form – available through a link in the GANC report once it is submitted 30 days prior to the assembly and posted in the PLEN section of PC-Biz. The deadline to make such a nomination from the floor is 11:00 a.m. Eastern on Monday, June 20.  [F.6.c]

All unchallenged nominees are considered elected through the consent agenda.

Any challenges will be considered individually later in the assembly.