Commissioners' Resolution Procedures during a "Hybrid" Assembly
One of the differences between the "hybrid" 225th General Assembly (2022) and the traditional, "in-person" assemblies of prior years is that not all commissioners will be physically present at the same time. This section gives an overview of the process and supports for developing and submitting a commissioners' resolution that have been developed to facilitate connections between commissioners in the weeks preceding the assembly. Full details and step-by-step guidance are provided in the "Commissioners' Resolution" resource in the "Advocacy" hub of this site.
Review and Assignment of CRs
Once the commissioners' resolution form is completed, the signers will need to contact the support staff to let them know that the CR has been "submitted" and is ready for review and consideration for referral. If there are any issues with the submission, the staff will follow up with the commissioners to try to resolve them ahead of the submission deadline of 3:00 pm EDT on June 19, 2022.
As detailed in Standing Rule A.6.g, if the Stated Clerk determines the proposed resolution does deal with "new business" within the limits set by the rules, the CR will be transmitted to the Assembly Committee on Bills and Overtures with a recommendation for its referral to the appropriate committee assembly. Alternatively, for reasons stated in the Standing Rules, the Stated Clerk or the Bills and Overtures Committee may refer the resolution to the next assembly, decline consideration of the resolution, or "take no action" regarding it (and so stop it from receiving a committee recommendation that would be acted upon by the plenary assembly). Standing Rule A.6.h provides an appeals process for decisions not to refer CRs to an assembly committee.