Commissioners' Resolution Procedures during a "Hybrid" Assembly
One of the differences between the "hybrid" 225th General Assembly (2022) and the traditional, "in-person" assemblies of prior years is that not all commissioners will be physically present at the same time. This section gives an overview of the process and supports for developing and submitting a commissioners' resolution that have been developed to facilitate connections between commissioners in the weeks preceding the assembly. Full details and step-by-step guidance are provided in the "Commissioners' Resolution" resource in the "Advocacy" hub of this site.
Finalizing and Submitting the CR
You and your collaborators will be notified by the staff when your workspace is ready. You will then click on the "Resolution Workspaces" tile to open the list of commissioners' resolutions that are currently assigned to you as a collaborator.
Only the persons listed in the request form will be able to access the workspace for a CR. The commissioners working on the CR can each make edits and updates to both the "Resolution" and the "Rationale." Detailed guidance on the use of the collaborative editing tool is provided in the "Commissioners' Resolution" resource here in GA225 Connections. Once they have agreed on the language for both those sections, they will be ready to sign and submit the CR.