Commissioners' Resolution Procedures during a "Hybrid" Assembly
One of the differences between the "hybrid" 225th General Assembly (2022) and the traditional, "in-person" assemblies of prior years is that not all commissioners will be physically present at the same time. This section gives an overview of the process and supports for developing and submitting a commissioners' resolution that have been developed to facilitate connections between commissioners in the weeks preceding the assembly. Full details and step-by-step guidance are provided in the "Commissioners' Resolution" resource in the "Advocacy" hub of this site.
Requesting a Collaboration Form
Once you have identified one or more commissioners from different presbyteries who will collaborate with you on a commissioners' resolution, you can request a workspace here in GA225 Connections to draft and edit it for submission. To make the request, click on the "Request Online Collaboration Form" tile and then the "CR Collaboration Workspace Request Form" link.
Even if you already know another commissioner and you have together fully developed the CR you wish to submit, it will still be necessary to request the online collaboration workspace because it serves as the submission and signing tool for all commissioners' resolutions.
There are full instructions regarding the use of the online workspace provided in the "Commissioners' Resolution" resource area.