Hearing Form

c. Any person who wishes to be heard in a public hearing shall sign up on a hearing form, posted in a public place in the building in which the assembly is being held, no later than the close of business on the second day of the General Assembly or noon of the day after the subsequent referral of business to the committee by the General Assembly. The location of hearing forms shall be announced during the first session of the assembly. In the event that an issue is expected to be controversial, those wishing to speak shall be asked to indicate whether they wish to speak for or against the recommendation.

Special Note: Because participants in Public Hearings will not be present for the committee meetings in Louisville on June 20 to July 2, the "Hearing Form" for this hybrid General Assembly is provided as an online sign-up form with deadlines in advance of the opening of the assembly. The sign-up and submission process for this assembly are set out in the next resource in this section, "The Public Hearings Process for GA225."