Monthly Leader Guide

Question d - Fulfilling Ministry

W-4.0404 d. Will you fulfill your ministry in obedience to Jesus Christ, under the authority of Scripture, and be continually guided by our confessions?



Coming alive in Christ Will you fulfill your ministry in obedience to Jesus Christ, under the authority of Scripture, and be continually guided by our confessions?1.     (Slide 24) The last two sessions focused on the role of scripture and the confessions in our discernment of our call to ministry. Those conversations led us to this ordination question, which brings together the three core principles of the Reformed faith: the centrality of Jesus Christ, the authority of scripture, and the historical witness of the confessions.

2.     Note the word order of this question. The ordained are to be OBEDIENT to Christ, STAND UNDER Scripture’s authority, and be GUIDED by the confessions.

What does it really mean to obey Jesus Christ? Obedience to Jesus Christ shows our willingness to get out of our own way, letting go of what we believe to be possible, right, or lawful, for a reality that God knows to be true.3.     (Slide 25) What does it really mean to obey Jesus Christ? Obedience to Jesus Christ shows our willingness to get out of our own way, letting go of what we believe to be possible, right, or lawful, for a reality that God knows to be true. Ask: How is this different from or similar to your understanding of obedience to Jesus Christ. You may wish to use the story of the church near Seattle as an illustration of obedience leading to transformation or provide an illustration from your own experience.

The Confessions act as windows into our faith (photo of a window)4.     (Slide 26) The confessions act as windows into our faith: reflections of who the church believes itself to be and the injustices it has overcome to seek the kingdom of God in its life together. The past matters because in our confessions we see pieces of the church’s history and the church’s response to the contextual needs of people of faith at that time, rooted in scripture.


1.    Invite participants to reflect on the context of the entire congregation by exploring the content and question provided in the resource material in the “Called to lead: But, where?! How?!” section of question (d) within the resource material.

  • What experiences have you had as a congregation that have led you to look at ministry in a transformative, creative way?

Invite them to reflect on their history as a congregation and any challenges (economic, theological, staffing, facility, cultural) they have faced that have caused them to innovate and be transformed in their approach to ministry.

2.     How do you allow scripture to nurture you as a leader? How do you allow the confessions to guide you? Is there an area of growth you’d like to explore in either of these areas?


Invite each person to think of one person they know who is invested in the ministry of the congregation: someone who may be behind the scenes, someone who faithfully gives of their time and energy for the Body of Christ, a Sunday School teacher, food pantry volunteer, office volunteer, usher. Challenge participants to reach out to the person this week and express gratitude for their gifts in ministry and to acknowledge them as a valued member of this Body.