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This resource provides an overview of the preparation for ministry process in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), divided into three sections:

  • discerning one's gifts and call to ministry within the covenant relationship between inquirers/candidates and their congregations and presbyteries,
  • taking the standard ordination exams within that process, and 
  • seeking and negotiating a first call requiring ordination as a minister of the Word and Sacrament.

This overview is designed so that it can be reviewed in about an hour, though broken up into smaller bits and different formats. It does not provide all the information needed by those "under care" in the PC(USA)'s preparation for ministry process. Links are provided in each section to other resources and materials available on this "Equip" training site that explore these topics in greater detail. Access to most of the other courses, because of the types of activities they include, will require that you are logged into the this site.