• Introductions to Task Force and Special Committee Reports

    The General Assembly may establish task forces, special committees, and commissions to carry out decisions or make recommendations to the assembly on matters that cannot be undertaken or accomplished by an existing entity (Book of Order, G-3.0109). Learn more about the reports being brought to the 225th General Assembly from these videos.

    • The 222nd General Assembly (2016) created the 2020 Vision Team “to develop a guiding statement for the denomination and make a plan for its implementation with all deliberate speed.” The 2020 Vision Team listened to congregations, mid councils, and individuals throughout the nation and presented to the 223rd General Assembly (2018) a draft Guiding Statement with the intention of presenting the final statement to the 224th General Assembly (2020) accompanied by implementation tools.

      You can access the team's report and recommendations on PC-Biz by clicking here.

    • The task force offers recommendations and rationales to the General Assembly for corrective action specifically to address these five areas of concern: (1) adultification of Black girls, (2) toxic theology/gender equality for Black women in ministry, (3) reproductive justice/human rights, (4) LGBTQIA+ equality, and (5) the elimination of cash bail practices. 

      You can access the task force's report and recommendations on PC-Biz by clicking here.

    • The Jarvie Commonweal Endowment is a fund established in the 1920s and since 1934 titled to the Board of National Mission, a constituent corporation of the Presbyterian Foundation (the “Board/Foundation”). It provides financial and social work services to older protestant adults living within fifty miles of New York City (the “service area”). These recommendations are in response to a referral from the 223rd General Assembly (2018).

      You can access the team's report and recommendations on PC-Biz by clicking here. 
    • At the recommendation of the 223rd General Assembly (2018), the LGBTQIA+ Advocacy Task Force was formed in order to investigate the need for an advocacy committee for LGBTQIA+ Equity. The task force studied whether the formation of an advocacy committee devoted solely to these and related issues could better address the injustices affecting the LGBTQIA+ community within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and society. 

      You can access the task force's report and recommendations on PC-Biz by clicking here.

    • The Presbytery of Chicago sent an overture to the 223rd General Assembly (2018) to revise the Rules of Discipline to make the Rules of Discipline more accessible to the church, to preserve and enhance the accountability of councils and individuals to the church, to expand the role of mediation and alternate dispute resolution, and to provide flexibility in crafting censures and remedies, particularly in the light of recent learnings in ethical and social development and experiments by the secular legal system with alternative sentencing. The Rules of Discipline Task Force brought the revision to the 224th General Assembly (2020) for consideration, and it was referred along with all other overtures for constitutional amendment to the 225th General Assembly (2022).

    • This special committee was created by the 223rd General Assembly (2018) and tasked to review the current per-capita based system of funding the ministry of councils higher than the session, for financial sustainability into the next ten years. It worked to identify the adaptive and technical challenges of sustainability in funding the ministry of councils higher than the session, consulting and receiving feedback/input from the leadership of the presbyteries, synods, and the Office of the General Assembly, as well as the Presbyterian Foundation.

    • Christian Education and Faith Formation is a lifelong journey of deepening one’s relationship with Christ. As a denomination rooted in the Reformed tradition, we claim a faith seeking understanding that raises learning, study, and critical thinking as important ways we live out that faith which compels us to seek the love and justice of Christ in the world. More than the passing on of knowledge, Christian education and formation shapes us to be disciples of Christ through our rhythms of faithful practice in daily life, how we gather as family and community, in our worship, through the Sacraments, in living our mission, and so much more. 

      You can access the committee's report and recommendations on PC-Biz by clicking here.

    • The 223rd General Assembly (2018) created a task force to undertake a comprehensive examination of Presbyterian policy, judicial process, and rules of discipline as they relate to allegations and charges of sexual misconduct occurring within the denomination. The task force was directed to report back with recommendations on how the PC(USA) can be more effective in ensuring justice, accountability, and pastoral support for individuals, families, and congregations when charges of sexual misconduct have been made.

      You can access the committee's report and recommendations on PC-Biz by clicking here.