Meeting Dates: April 9 and TBA
Committee's Role: To review items of business submitted to GA226 and prepare a recommendation for the first meeting of the General Assembly as to how to assign business to appropriate assembly committees for review and discernment regarding action to be recommended to the full Assembly.
Meeting Dates: June 24 and June 28-July 4
Committee's Role: To review items of business submitted to GA226 and to keep itself informed of the subjects being considered by the other assembly committees, and, when any subject is taken up by more than one committee, this committee shall advise the moderators of those committees regarding ways to avoid redundant or inconsistent recommendations. It shall report at the beginning of each plenary session, recommending any necessary changes in the order of business and any referrals it may have considered since its last report.
Meeting Dates: June 25-27
Committee's Role: To prepare recommendations for consideration by the plenary General Assembly for items of business relating to Christian education (including colleges and seminaries), worship, and other types of Christian formation. Includes recommendations to amend the Directory for Worship.
Meeting Dates: June 25-27
Committee's Role: To prepare recommendations for consideration by the plenary General Assembly for items of business relating to events, concerns, and opportunities in domestic contexts. Includes items related to gun violence, political rhetoric, and economic concerns.
Meeting Dates: June 25-27
Committee's Role: To prepare recommendations for consideration by the plenary General Assembly for items of business relating to the development of and engagement with ecumenical and interfaith partnering institutions. Includes items from the General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical and Interfaith Relationships (GACEIR).
Meeting Dates: June 25-27
Committee's Role: To prepare recommendations for consideration by the plenary General Assembly for items of business relating to environmental and climate justice. Includes divestment, commitments to environmental sustainability, and international climate agreements.
Meeting Dates: June 25-27
Committee's Role: To prepare recommendations for consideration by the plenary General Assembly for items of business dealing primarily with finance and budgeting. Includes the process report from the Funding Model Development Team, budget documents from agencies, and other financial concerns.
Meeting Dates: June 25-27
Committee's Role: To prepare recommendations for consideration by the plenary General Assembly for items of business relating to the operation and functions of assembly entities, including amendments to the Organization for Mission, reports from the Unification Commission, and approval of workplans.
Meeting Dates: June 25-27
Committee's Role: To prepare recommendations for consideration by the plenary General Assembly for items of business relating to the operation and function of the General Assembly. Reports and overtures related to assembly operations, amendments to the Standing Rules, and recommendations for future assemblies will be referred to GAP.
Meeting Dates: June 25-27
Committee's Role: To prepare recommendations for consideration by the plenary General Assembly for items of business relating to events, concerns, and opportunities in international contexts. Includes items related to international peacemaking.
Meeting Dates: June 25-27
Committee's Role: To prepare recommendations for consideration by the plenary General Assembly for items of business relating to the operation and function of mid councils, including Synod Minutes and boundary changes.
- Teacher: Tricia Dykers-Koenig
Meeting Dates: June 25-27
Committee's Role: To prepare recommendations for consideration by the plenary General Assembly for items of business relating to the role and process of ordination, including items related to exams, accommodations, the varieties of ordained roles, and other ordination concerns.
Meeting Dates: June 25-27
Committee's Role: To prepare recommendations for consideration by the plenary General Assembly for items of business relating to constitutional changes to the Book of Order and the Book of Confessions. Some items with constitutional changes may be referred to other committees for discernment alongside of relevant topics. Those that are not referred in this way will be received by POL.
Meeting Dates: June 25-27
Committee's Role: To prepare recommendations for consideration by the plenary General Assembly for items of business relating to justice actions regarding race, sexuality, and gender identity. Includes items related to reproductive justice, anti-racism, and anti-trans legislation.