This course requires that you obtain a self-enrollment key. To request, complete the registration form available here.
- Facilitator: Alicia Demartra-Pressley
- Facilitator: Catherine Reuning
Have you ever wanted to explore spiritual practices/ disciplines and you
couldn't find time? Are you searching for a community in which to
practice? Do you have questions, ideas, challenges around spiritual
practices? Would you like to try new spiritual practices, return to old
ones, or find an adaptation to one that might work for you?
If you
answered “yes” to any of the above questions, have other questions,
hesitations, or if you are just curious, this may be the cohort for you.
This course requires that you obtain a self-enrollment key. To request, complete the registration form available here
- Coordinator: Alicia Demartra-Pressley
- Coordinator: Kirstie Johnson
- Coordinator: Catherine Reuning